
Persistent Remote Shells
with screen

Serge Y. Stroobandt

Copyright 2014–2022, licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

  1. Home
  2. IT
  3. Command Line
  4. screen

Connecting with ssh

Connect to the remote host computer using ssh:

$ ssh username@hostname.url:port

Evoking screen

Screen sockets and screen sessions are one and the same thing. By default, screen sessions are named according to the scheme pid.tty.hostname. Here are a number of commands to evoke screen from a normal shell.

Commands to evoke screen from a terminal
command function
$ screen -S sessionname Start a new screen session with a given name and attach to it.
$ screen -ls Lists all existing screen sessions.
$ screen -r Reattach* this terminal to the only existing screen session.
$ screen -r -S sessionname Reattach* this terminal to an existing screen session by name.
$ screen -r ttynumber Reattach* this terminal to an existing screen session by tty number.
$ screen -S oldsessionname -X newsessionname Rename a screen session.
$ screen -S sessionname -X quit Kill the specified screen session by executing quit.


Within a session

All commands that can be issued within a screen session start by hitting the Ctrl+A key combination, followed by another keystroke.

Keystroke commands for use within a screen session
keystroke sequence function
Ctrl+A ? Show the help screen.
Ctrl+A d Detach* the current screen session from this terminal. The screen session and its processes remain in existence.
Ctrl+A c Create a new window and switch to it.
Ctrl+A C Clear the screen.
Ctrl+A K Kill the current window.
Ctrl+A p Go to the previous screen.
Ctrl+A n Go to the next screen.
Ctrl+A # Go to a specific screen number.
Ctrl+A " Select a screen from a list using the arrow keys.
Ctrl+A S Split the current window in half horizontally.
Ctrl+A | Split the current window in half vertically.
Ctrl+A Tab Cycle through window regions.
Ctrl+A X Eliminate a window split.
Ctrl+A H Log the current screen sessions in logfiles called screenlog.n where n is the number of the screen session.
Ctrl+A h Create a screenshot of the current window in a file called hardcopy.n.
Ctrl+A x Lock the screen session with the password of the current user.
Ctrl+A Esc Enter the copy and scrollback mode.
Esc Leave the copy and scrollback mode.


Where am I?

Experiencing an Inception moment? Of course, you can always hit Ctrl+A ? and see if you get the screen help information. Another way is to let the environment variable $TERM tell you what terminal type you are currently employing.

Inside a screen session:

$ echo $TERM

Inside a normal terminal:

$ echo $TERM
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Last update: Sunday, August 21, 2022.